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localStorage.setItem('ysa_visitDuration', totalSeconds); // Check if the threshold is reached if (totalSeconds >= thresholdSeconds) { clearInterval(timer); // Stop the timer ysa_firePopup(); // Call your custom function } //console.log(totalSeconds); }, 1000); // Cleanup on page unload window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => { localStorage.setItem('ysa_visitDuration', totalSeconds); }); } } else { // Retry after a short delay setTimeout(ysa_waitForBody, 50); // Check again after 50ms } } // Start checking for the body ysa_waitForBody(); function ysa_showLargePopup() { hidedPopupDiv.classList.remove('visible'); statusCircleDivHided.classList.remove('visible'); popupNotificationDiv.classList.add('visible'); ysa_setCookie('ysa_small_popup_status_ynYKsQ', true); } function ysa_firePopup() { // Create the pop-up notification div and set its class popupNotificationDiv = document.createElement('div'); popupNotificationDiv.className = 'ysa_popup_notification'; popupNotificationDiv.setAttribute('id','ysa_popup_notification'); = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'; // Create the persona avatar div, set its class, and background image style var personaAvatarDiv = document.createElement('div'); personaAvatarDiv.className = 'ysa_persona_avatar'; = 'url("")'; // Create the online status circle var statusCircleDiv = document.createElement('div'); statusCircleDiv.className = 'ysa_status'; // Create the close button div, set its class, and text content var closebuttonDiv = document.createElement('div'); closebuttonDiv.className = 'ysa_close_button_small_popup'; // Create the title div, set its class, and text content var titleDiv = document.createElement('div'); titleDiv.className = 'ysa_title'; titleDiv.textContent = 'Priscilla van Profijt Meubel'; // = 'Open Sans'; = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'; // Create the description div, set its class, and text content var descriptionDiv = document.createElement('div'); descriptionDiv.className = 'ysa_description'; descriptionDiv.textContent = 'Hoi, ik ben online! Kan ik je helpen met productadvies of vragen over Profijt Meubel?'; // = 'Open Sans'; = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'; // Create the collapse icon div, set its class var collapseIconDiv = document.createElement('div'); collapseIconDiv.className = 'ysa_collapse_icon'; = 'rgb(225, 8, 26)'; // add position class popupDiv.classList.add('right'); chatcreatorlabelDiv1.classList.add('right'); chatcreatorlabelDiv2.classList.add('right'); // Append all the created elements to the popupNotificationDiv popupNotificationDiv.appendChild(chatcreatorlabelDiv1); chatcreatorlabelDiv1.addEventListener('click', function() {"", "_blank"); }); popupNotificationDiv.appendChild(personaAvatarDiv); popupNotificationDiv.appendChild(statusCircleDiv); popupNotificationDiv.appendChild(titleDiv); popupNotificationDiv.appendChild(closebuttonDiv); popupNotificationDiv.appendChild(descriptionDiv); popupNotificationDiv.appendChild(collapseIconDiv); // Toggle functionality for toggleButton toggleButton.addEventListener('click', function() { ysa_toggleDiv(); }); chatcreatorlabelDiv2.addEventListener('click', function() {"", "_blank"); }); // Finally, append the popupNotificationDiv to the document body // This assumes you want to add it directly to the body document.body.appendChild(popupNotificationDiv); // After appending to the document, add the 'visible' class to trigger the transition // Use requestAnimationFrame to ensure the transition happens after the element is painted if (ysa_windowWidth < 800) { requestAnimationFrame(() => { requestAnimationFrame(() => { ysa_toggleNotificationDiv(); }); }); } else if ( ysa_getCookie('ysa_open_status_ynYKsQ') != 'true' && (ysa_getCookie('ysa_small_popup_status_ynYKsQ') == 'true' || ysa_getCookie('ysa_small_popup_status_ynYKsQ') == '') ) { requestAnimationFrame(() => { requestAnimationFrame(() => { popupNotificationDiv.classList.add('visible'); }); }); } // Toggle functionality for toggleButton titleDiv.addEventListener('click', function() { popupNotificationDiv.classList.add('visible'); ysa_toggleDiv(); }); personaAvatarDiv.addEventListener('click', function() { popupNotificationDiv.classList.add('visible'); ysa_toggleDiv(); }); descriptionDiv.addEventListener('click', function() { popupNotificationDiv.classList.add('visible'); ysa_toggleDiv(); }); collapseIconDiv.addEventListener('click', function() { popupNotificationDiv.classList.add('visible'); ysa_toggleDiv(); }); // Toggle functionality for toggleButton closebuttonDiv.addEventListener('click', function() { ysa_toggleNotificationDiv(); }); // Assuming popupNotificationDiv is your popup element var startTouchPositionX = 0; var endTouchPositionX = 0; popupNotificationDiv.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { startTouchPositionX = e.touches[0].clientX; }, { passive: true }); popupNotificationDiv.addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { endTouchPositionX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX; //handleSwipeGesture(); }, { passive: true }); if (ysa_getCookie('ysa_small_popup_status_ynYKsQ') == 'false') { hidedPopupDiv.classList.add('visible'); statusCircleDivHided.classList.add('visible'); popupNotificationDiv.classList.remove('visible'); } if (ysa_getCookie('ysa_open_status_ynYKsQ') == 'true') { if (!ysa_isMobile) { ysa_loadIframe(); var isMinimized = === '0px'; = isMinimized ? '650px' : '0px'; // Toggle height = isMinimized ? 'auto' : '0px'; // Toggle height = isMinimized ? '675px' : '25px'; // Adjust button position toggleButton.classList.add('ysa_toggle-button-maximized'); popupDiv.classList.add('maximized'); popupProductDiv.classList.add('maximized'); popupNotificationDiv.classList.remove('visible'); } ysa_storePageView(); ysa_storePageReferrer(); //ysa_triggerEvent('open_chat'); } } function ysa_showTitleTextTyper() { if (ysa_getCookie('ysa_hidedPopupDivTitle_ynYKsQ') == '') { ysa_setCookie('ysa_hidedPopupDivTitle_ynYKsQ', true); hidedPopupDivTitle.classList.add('visible'); //const hidedPopupDivTitle = document.getElementById('hidedPopupDivTitle'); const text = hidedPopupDivTitle.textContent; // Get the text from the div hidedPopupDivTitle.textContent = ''; // Clear the original text // Create a span for each letter and append it text.split('').forEach((char, index) => { const span = document.createElement('span'); span.textContent = char === ' ' ? '\u00A0' : char; // Use non-breaking space for spaces span.classList.add('ysa_letter'); // Add the letter class hidedPopupDivTitle.appendChild(span); // Set a delay for the fade-in effect setTimeout(() => { = 1; // Trigger the fade-in }, index * 70); // Delay increases with each letter }); // Remove the visible class after 5 seconds setTimeout(() => { hidedPopupDivTitle.classList.remove('visible'); }, 5000); // 5000ms = 5 seconds } } function ysa_toggleNotificationDiv() { hidedPopupDiv.classList.add('visible'); statusCircleDivHided.classList.add('visible'); popupNotificationDiv.classList.remove('visible'); ysa_setCookie('ysa_small_popup_status_ynYKsQ', false); } function ysa_toggleDiv(modus = 'maximized') { var isMinimized = === '0px'; = isMinimized ? '650px' : '0px'; // Toggle height = isMinimized ? 'auto' : '0px'; // Toggle height = isMinimized ? '675px' : '25px'; // Adjust button position // Toggle the class for the toggle button to change the image if (isMinimized) { ysa_loadIframe(); clearInterval(TimeshowTitleTextTyper); toggleButton.classList.add('ysa_toggle-button-' + modus); ysa_setCookie('ysa_open_status_ynYKsQ', true); popupDiv.classList.add(modus); popupProductDiv.classList.add(modus); document.getElementById('ysa_popup_notification').classList.remove('visible'); ysa_storePageView(); ysa_storePageReferrer(); //ysa_triggerEvent('open_chat'); } else { toggleButton.classList.remove('ysa_toggle-button-maximized'); toggleButton.classList.remove('ysa_toggle-button-centered'); ysa_setCookie('ysa_open_status_ynYKsQ', false); popupDiv.classList.remove('maximized'); popupDiv.classList.remove('centered'); popupProductDiv.classList.remove('maximized'); popupProductDiv.classList.remove('centered'); document.getElementById('ysa_popup_notification').classList.add('visible'); document.getElementById('ysa_popup-product-div').innerHTML = ''; 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